Circular Economy Finland (KiSu) is a hub for circular economy know-how
Excessive use of natural resources, climate change, and biodiversity loss challenge us to think, and to change how we do things. Circular economy is an economic model for the future in which products and materials remain in use for a long time and in a safe manner. Circular economy is more than just recycling. It also entails sustainable design, rental services, repairs, and sharing.

Circular Economy Finland (KiSu) is a hub of skills and knowledge which unites those who seek solutions with those who offer them. The network supports different actors in in finding their own circular economy paths.
KiSu is one of the actions launched by the national circular economy programme of Finland. The programme is coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
Why KiSu?
The goal of KiSu is to support the work of municipalities, the business community, and circular economy ecosystems in developing a society with a carbon neutral circular economy and circular economy business activities. KiSu gives those involved an easier access to information, things to do together, and networking.
We want to make circular economy a new foundation for the economy, and we want Finland to be a forerunner in it. We need to shift gears to encourage those operating in the regions, municipalities, businesses, research, and the public sector to work closer together.
KiSu brings together those with knowledge and skills linked with circular economy, disseminates information and good operating models, and improves readiness to promote circular economy. The network brings information, tools, and support mechanisms linked with circular economy to one place. KiSu is turning into a centre of circular economy information.
KiSu services
KiSu has been developed in cooperation with different actors since the spring of 2022. Shared development, working together, and networking will be key topics in its operations. Motiva Oy and the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) coordinate the activities, which get funding from the Ministry of the Environment.
The KiSu Service Centre offers various services aimed at helping those involved in activities to promote circular economy, to bring actors together, and to share information and skills.

Who is KiSu meant for?
KiSu is bringing together a network of circular economy experts, including businesses, research and education organisations, municipalities, regions, and various networks and interest groups. Furthermore, all who can utilise the information, skills, or solutions related to circular economy, or offer solutions and develop them are welcome to join the competence network.
How can KiSu help you?
KiSu creates a shared image of the current situation of circular economy, the direction for the future, and state of mind. KiSu:
- Unites networks and actors in developing solutions and promoting the spread of the best circular economy practices.
- Compiles and shares information on concrete actions, benefits, solutions, and possibilities related to circular economy.
- Helps in finding the right partners, channels, and sources of funding, and supports the search for solutions to bottlenecks.
- Works together with municipalities to build ways of committing to the long-term advancement of circular economy in the different sectors where the municipality operates.
- Supports companies in developing circular economy-based business activities.